"Discover the advantages of working out in a group: 7 benefits of group exercise classes.


7 Benefits of Group Exercise Classes

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For years now, Group Exercise classes have been a common way for people to incorporate exercise into their lives. But what is it about exercise classes that people seem to prefer in comparison to working out with the machines around the gym? Here are seven benefits of Group Ex classes, and how you can implement them into your own life through URI Campus Rec!

1.At URI, group ex classes are offered for free through IMLeagues

Group exercise classes can be super expensive at private studios off campus, and while they can be fun, with a college student budget they may be a little difficult to keep up with. Luckily at URI, we have a large variety of all your favorite classes to take completely free of charge! 

Class Yoga2. URI Group Ex classes are right on campus

It can be tiring and difficult trying to fit an exercise class into your already busy schedule, which may sometimes be enough to make you stay home in bed instead of exercising when you have to commute on top of it. But with group ex classes being offered on campus, classes are easily accessible to all on campus and off campus students, making it much easier to get to class. 

Training Weights3. Group Ex classes allow you to personalize all of your workouts and cater them to your needs

It can be so frustrating sometimes trying to workout. Either you’re waiting for a machine you want to use, you’re not feeling any of your music, or you’re just not feeling motivated. With an exercise class, you’ll know exactly what you’re signing up for, and you can follow along with a certified instructor and great music to get a great workout in!

4. Classes are a great way to stay connected with friends and meet new ones

It can be so hard to make time to spend with your friends when everyone has such busy schedules. One way my friends and I spend time together is by going to classes! This is such a fun way to stay in touch that not only benefits our well-being, but pushes us to go harder and holds us accountable for going to class. Classes are also great places to find new people that have the same interests as you, which can blossom into a new friendship!

5. Taking Group Ex classes can improve your overall physical health

Exercise classes aren’t just fun, they are so good for your physical well-being. At Campus Rec, our focus is not to achieve a certain body image, but to embrace a healthy, beautiful body. That being said, depending on the class you can take, you can target different muscle groups to build endurance, increase muscle strength, or burn fat! Taking care of yourself is one of the most important things you can do as a student, so the physical benefits of group exercise classes will help with your overall health.

F45 Cycle6. The music played during class will release endorphins and uplift your mood

Working out to some of your favorite tunes makes it that much easier to get through your workout. The music is honestly one of my favorite parts of group ex classes, and there’s been so many times where I find new music from instructors’ playlists to add to my own! 


7. Group Ex classes are much less intimidating than working out alone

Trying new exercises and working with new equipment can be scary to try on your own in front of a crowded gym. But trying them in group ex classes gives you an opportunity to try new things with an instructor to ease any anxiety or stress that may come with figuring it out on your own. Knowing proper form and alignment is key to making your workouts safe and effective!

Movement Stretch

So there are some of the benefits of Group Exercise classes offered through Campus Rec! You should definitely check them out if you’re interested, you may end up loving it! To attend URI classes, you can sign up using the IMLeagues app.   


Angela HeadshotHi everyone! My name is Angela and I’m a Junior Biology and Psychology double major from Pembroke, MA. As a cycle instructor for URI Campus Recreation, I’m so excited to be writing for Inside Rec, documenting what I’ve learned since starting my personal fitness journey and the benefits of group exercise classes offered here at URI facilities! Outside of Campus Rec, I love spending time with my friends at the beach, traveling to new destinations, or learning to play a new song on my ukulele. I’m looking forward to sharing my experiences with you all as I grow and learn more on my fitness journey!  

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